Review: DOD Distortion Wars with Metal Maniac & Thrash Master Distortion pedals!

Nick Reinhart is one lucky musician because he has such generous fans and friends who hand him free DOD pedals! Pedals And Effects are huge fans of the old DOD pedals from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and, of course, the new updated DOD versions. Well, when someone is given pedals as gifts, we feel obligated to at least do a video featuring the pedals, so here are DOD’S FX58 Metal Maniac and FX59 Thrash Master distortions!

To be honest, we didn’t know a lot about these two DOD distortions except that the marketing team at the time, blew it on the colors (I can only vaguely remember having to wear day glow. I’m kidding, but I did play shred metal) names, and the pedals numbers FX58 and FX59. Between these two pedals the only real difference seems to be their colors. They sound very similar, have the same knob names…I mean there is probably a difference but honestly not enough to merit owning both.

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Thrash dudes wore black and denim back in the day so I bet those musicians saw the Thrash Master and said hell no! This pedal was designed and possibly first built in the late 80’s but was in the stores in the early 90’s when Thrash was king but I doubt this stomp box was.

Now the same marketing issue goes with the oddly similar distortion, the FX58 Metal Maniac, with its late 80’s creation, early 90’s availability and bright day glow yellow color. Iron Maiden heads probably passed on this pedal but that is good for pedal collectors because this kept the price low. I remember seeing these pedals on craigslist for $20.00 bucks but always thinking they wouldn’t be good on bass.

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Years pass, and you meet a young buck like Nick Reinhart and suddenly these old pedals find a new fan base. Nick loves bright colors and in fact, is known to paint his own gear with bright paints and colorful stickers. These color palates would naturally lead Nick to find these two distortions and give them a home on his board.

Shout out to Sean (or Shawn) for lacing Nick with these pedals and thank you to the old DOD crew for at least trying to give the customer what they wanted.

And as usual…PLEASE TELL US WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THE PEDALS! You all are getting lazy and we need your voices and opinions! Leave a comment below!