Throwback Thursday: Nick Reinhart's first Pedals And Effects video

Nick Reinhart has been contributing to Pedals And Effects over the past two years but recently someone asked me how we met. I had to dig deep into my memory because it is a little fuzzy but here is what I remember.

I was at Sargent House back in the mid 2000's doing what I think was work for Big Sir's Before Gardens After Gardens record with head honcho, Cathy Pellows. Nick was there for some reason and I met him there. I had always heard from Jonathan Hischke and Dan Elkan "you gotta see the kid rip" and here was the kid in front of me, acting a little suspicious of yours truly. Nick can be a little cautious when meeting dudes for the first time for some reason (haha!).

That was the first time meeting him but eventually I thought it would be tight to have Nick on Pedals And Effects. He agreed and showed up to 5Starr Sound Labs almost three years ago, with his touring pedalboard. He set up his stuff and just started fooling around but he was leaning on his Line 6 DL-4. He was doing sounds and riffs on there that I had never heard or seen. I excitedly said "stop and let's just record that!" 

So basically the first episode featuring Nick Reinhart features him just ripping ideas on his DL-4. I was so blown away with his familiarity with the effect and his creative use. He owns that pedal and Line 6 is missing a HUGE opportunity by not having him as a their spokesperson. He uses that pedal more creatively than anyone on the planet. I know there are thousands of people who stack their samples and play over them but Nick uses his Line 6 DL-4 as an instrument. 

Here is Nick's first video shot for Pedals And Effects in September 2013 and be prepared to be blown away by the DL-4 master.