Bananana Effects
/The wonderful thing about social media these days is that you can easily find out about cool up and coming stuff. Someone on Instagram hit me up and was like "yo, you need to check out Bananana effects!" Bananana effects is a one man operation based out of Japan, and these effects are super dope. I reached out to him on Instagram and he sent us one of his super dope pedals. He even came out to one of Nick's shows on their recent Japanese tour! Without further ado, Pedals and Effects is proud to welcome Bananana effects.
Bananana effects are all banana yellow, and super compact. But don't judge the pedals by their size, because they have some of the largest sounds we've ever heard. We were able to play with the Bananana Abracadabra reverb, and Matryoshka bass synth pedals. The Abracadabra reverb has got everything you want from a reverb and more, octave, shimmer, chorus, feedback, and "exotic" harmonized reverbs. Wet/dry, momentary/hold switch? You got it.
The Matryoshka synth has got controls for Vibrato, LFO, Bit Crushing, Pitch Shifting, Sample/Hold and Arpeggiating! Each pedal is incredibly nuanced with super in depth fine tuning controls. Each knob has a separate function and the devil is in the details as the knobs have different colored lights per setting. These are pedals that are really difficult to explain as they need to be heard to really grasp the fantastic scope of these effects.
Bananana effects come out in batches, and since its a one person operation you'll need to sign up for their mailing list to find out about updates and release dates. Follow Bananana effects on Instagram and show you're support for the up and comers. If you're into the weird and "off the beaten path" style effects like we are, then you won't regret becoming a fan of Bananana effects.