Demo: Keith McMillen 12 Step MIDI Controller

Keith McMillen is designing and building more great gear for the travelling musician. Keith was nice enough to send Nick Reinhart and I a 12 Step MIDI keyboard foot controller for us to use in our bands, and for review on Pedals And Effects. This foot controller is bullet proof (I think they have a video or picture on their site of the 12 Step being run over by a truck) and durable for any touring duties and the back lighting makes it essential for MIDI stage use.

Photo credit:

The 12 Step is super portable and can fit in a backpack or gig bag and is only 22 ounces (so no back pain!). The 12 Step is “more than a foot-driven keyboard – it is also a controller capable of sending continuous messages while reacting to the pressure and tilt of your foot.”

12 Step’s keys can trigger individual notes, 5-note chords, clips, backing tracks, and give you control over parameters such as pitch bend and volume. With the ability to run stuff from your feet, 12 Step gives you the power to add more to your performance, even if both hands are being used to rip on guitar or bass.

Here is a video of Nick and me showing you how we intend to use it in Big Sir or Tera Melos respectively. I think Nick wins on originality and I am using it more how Geddy Lee would use it.

Since most bands these days seem to be either two or three musicians, the 12 Step is a great way to step up your band’s sound. Big Sir is two people and now that I can add Moog bass, or control samples via my feet, we will sound like we do on the record!
