Show Me Your Pedalboard: John

Today's Show Me Your Pedalboard entry is short, sweet and comes from John all the way from Newcastle upon Tyne, UK! John's got all the essentials for a great bass board, some Pedals And Effects favorites, and is also super portable for gigs. Let's not delay, lets check out what John is rocking!

Out in the UK, John plays in a jazz rock-trio and he's definitely working the low end. Lots of our favorites on here. From the bass John starts off into a Digitech Bass Whammy, an awesome bass centric update to the Whammy pedal, lots of really cool harmonizing options (go up or down a 10th!) BUT, put it after the tuner it can screw with the accuracy. I get that the pedal is too big for the board but the signal is vital!  Up next is BOSS city starting with the TU-3 Tuner, one of my all time favorites the OC-2 and the CEB-3 Bass Chorus. I actually haven't had too much experience with the Chorus, gotta check it out. Top row rounds out in a Way Huge Supa Puss delay. Awesome.

Photo credit: Digitech

On the bottom row John's got an Electro-Harmonix Frequency Analyzer followed by a Way Huge Pork Loin Overdrive ending in a Crowther Audio Prunes and Custard harmonic generator. The Prunes and Custard is a pedal that needs to be heard, to be believed. Justin Meldal-Johnsen and I got weird with it before here on Pedals And Effects. If you want to really take your sound to other levels, check out the Prunes and Custard. 

Photo credit: Pedalgeek

You got a great selection John, lots of variety. I would just try and move things around a bit, Whammy after the tuner, fuzz/overdrive after octaves, then modulation and then Prunes and Custard. That of course is just my take, the sky's the limit and an octaved delay could sound cooler to you than a delayed octave. 

Thanks John, for sending in your board! Hit me up at and your board could end up right here on Pedals And Effects!
