The 12 Days of Pedals And Effects 2017

2017 has been a crazy year, for more reasons than we possibly have time to get into in a blog post. Which is one of the reasons why we're a bit delayed on this, but we figure it's better late than never! OK - drumroll please..........For the 5th straight year, we're excited to announce you'll have many chances to win a ton of gear during our "12 Days of Pedals and Effects" giveaway which kicks off THIS THURSDAY!

For those of you not familiar with our annual holiday shindig, it means you can win cool stuff from the likes of our favorite brands including Mono, Earthquaker Devices, Red PandaWarwickDunlop, Ernie Ball, PigtronixAmpegTC ElectronicSource Audio, Digitech, meris, and more in our "12 Days of Pedals and Effects" Giveaway! Just pop into Pedals and Effects every day from December 14 - 25 and enter for a chance to win a prize a day for 12 whole days! It's that easy, so make sure you come right back here starting Thursday, December 14th to see what amazing piece of gear is up for grabs first. Then come back the next day, and the get the idea.

And it that wasn't enough, bundle up for the winter with our BRAND NEW PEDALS AND EFFECT ZIP HOODIES ($45.00)! They'll keep you warm and cozy all season long, plus, there's a special bonus for the first 100 people who order the hoodies. The Pedals and Effects Elves are going to toss in one, 5-inch RockBoard Patch Cable (extra flat so they save a ton of space) for freeeee! But those are only for the FIRST 100 ORDERS so make sure to act fast. You can order your hoodie right now, right here. And for those of you who live in Hawaii, Fiji or some other spot where hoodies turn into a hotbox, we always have Pedals and Effects and Vato Negro t-shirts for purchase here.

Keep an eye out on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and of course, Pedals and Effects in the coming days to see what we're giving away every day for 12 days starting December 14th. We think this is YOUR year. We can feel it.

And last but not least, Nick, Max, Scott, everyone else here on the Pedals and Effects team and I want to wish you all a safe, happy holiday season. Your support, comments, questions and enthusiasm about what we do are what keep us going and we want to express our gratitude - THANK YOU!! Here's to more gear in 2018!

– Juan