Pedals And Effects Welcomes: Tore Mogensen

Tore is in the Pedals and Effects house! Tore is the genius behind TC Electronic, and he has been responsible for some of the most exciting pedals to come out over the last 20 years. We got to sit down and spend time with Tore while at GuitCon at the world famous Warwick Factory. Check it out!

Photo credit: TC Electronic

I'm definitely no stranger to TC Electronic, I used their chorus back in the Racer X days and I've known Tore for a while too. Once upon a time we even shot a video together where I dialed in my Toneprint for their Shaker Vibrato. Tore and I got to talking about his beginnings in TC Electronic, and how the company pivoted from effects pedals, to studio/rack gear, and then back to effects pedals. Tore explains how the release of the Polytune and the Toneprint series changed everything for company. We talk about how the company approaches effects pedal in the modern age, how effects pedals intrinsically change your playing and much more!

It was so great to catch up with Tore at GuitCon. Keep an eye out for TC Electronic, their new Quintessence harmony pedal, and the prototype Juno chorus are super dope! Expect more great interviews, with great people, right here at Pedals And Effects. Stay tuned!
