Review: Earthquaker Devices Arrows Pre-amp Booster.

Everyone's tastes change and that goes for everyone, including guys like Nick and myself. However, today's episode is is about a Nick Reinhart epiphany! Nick breaks down how he came to love the Earthquaker Devices Arrows and burger flips at McDonald's.

Photo Credit: Earthquaker Devices

The Arrows works well on guitar and bass, but we let Nick run the show on this episode so we just demo'd it on guitar but trust your boy, Juan, when I say this thing will take your bass tone into rip sounding levels!

The Arrows is an all discrete pre-amp booster that boosts the midrange while tightening up the low end and defining your top end. Harmonics start to shine and that sad neck position pickup on your Squier starts to sound legit.

You can get your very own Earthquaker Devices Arrows at the Earthquaker Devices website, here. 

Tell em Juan sent ya!
