Coming up on Pedals And Effects
/It hasn't even been a month since Pedals And Effects relaunched and we are doing better than ever. The T-shirts have been selling well and the FwonkBeta envelope filter promotion with Mr. Black was an overwhelming success, and I just wanted to say thank you. Your interest and contributions is what keeps Pedals And Effects alive.
We also have some great ideas coming soon to the site. Nick Reinhart and I have had several ideas floating in our heads and we can't wait to execute them. Also, Max Kane has been extremely helpful in transferring the old posts from the Wordpress site to the new and much improved Squarespace one, as well as helping me with editing and new posts. I couldn't do this without the help of these two.
So please stay tuned to the new posts coming and consider picking up a Pedals And Effects shirt designed by the great Aaron Draplin. He is the dude behind the Patagonia, Stumptown Coffee and other great logos. He is another I owe a million thanks to.
Lastly, I need to thank Stan Lee for putting this site together and my main supporters Ampeg, Earthquaker Devices, Red Panda and Warwick for their continued support!